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Birth Your Six-Figure Womb Wellness Business Masterclass
Create Your Holistic Business Plan in 5 Days
What If You Knew The Exact Steps It Takes To Successfully
Build A Holistic Womb Wellness Business?
Do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you help others make changes that lead to a better life?
Do you feel led to be a holistic healer to others both physically and energetically?
Are you looking for the strategy and direction to scale your holistic wellness business to new heights?
Are you ready to generate exponential growth in your revenues by expanding your current offerings and becoming a practitioner?
Are you seeking support from a highly qualified and successful womb energy healer who has helped others build profitable businesses?
Hi, I'm LaShun!
I have over 10 years of experience as a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Womb Energy Healer. I am the founder of the Woman Of Ankh Sisterhood of Womb Energy Healers and Ankh Academy Of Holistic Healing, where I offer training and coaching for those who have answered the call of being a womb healer. I also host retreats that promote sisterhood and healing from past trauma.
At the End of This Event, You Will:
Understand how to balance and enhance your healing energies
Know how to offer specialized services that meet the unique needs of your clients
Be skilled in using effective healing methods that make a real difference
Have the credentials that clients trust and respect in the wellness field
Feel a deep connection to the spiritual purpose of your work as a womb healer
5-Day Masterclass Schedule
Day 1: (W-Womb Wellness) What’s in your womb?
Discover the energies that influence your healing abilities and learn strategies to achieve balance, enhancing your capacity to serve your clients effectively
Day 2: (O-Offerings) How YOU serve?
Explore various womb conditions and the holistic services you can offer, tailored to the needs of those you help.
Day 3: (M-Methodology) To maximize your money!
Learn to navigate and document the healing journey effectively, using consistent methodologies that benefit both you and your clients.
Day 4: (B- Business Affiliation and Certification) What’s your lineage?
As a healer it is important to be able to tell your clients who you trained and that it can be verified. The discussion will also center around certification and accreditation.
Day 5: (S-Spirit) The Spirit of the womb.
The discussion will center around the womb and its energy. There will also be discussion around the sacred calling of being a womb healer.
Birth Your Six-Figure Womb Wellness Business Masterclass
This masterclass goes beyond traditional learning – it's a real transformation into the world of womb wellness business success.
It prepares you not just with the practical skills you need, but also the strategic business insights that set you apart in the holistic health industry.
By the end of our time together, you’ll be ready to not just start your business, but to grow it into a thriving practice.​​
Grad Testimonials
From past students